Departure Lounge with Boss Frog Andy "Red Frogs"

Episode 255,   Nov 27, 2018, 09:27 PM

Red Frogs recognises that the culture of young people is dominated by alcohol. In situations such as Schoolies/Leavers Week, excessive consumption of alcohol and other substances means that things can often get out of hand and potentially alter the direction of a young person’s future.

Their volunteers act as the eyes and ears in accommodation venues and out on the streets, providing a positive peer presence to school leavers.

Over 1500 Red Frog volunteers provide direct relief, safety and support to young people during Schoolies/Leavers Week across 16 locations, including the Surf Coast.

They assist school leavers in many different ways, offering Pancake cook-ups, room visits & games, room cleans, emotional support, walk homes and red Frogs.

From an accountant by day and skateboarding youth worker at night, Andy Gourley saw a need for young people to be safeguarded - so he did something to meet that need.

"Boss Frog" Andy checked into the Departure Lounge to tell us more about the work their doing this week at our local schoolies locations.