SB Nation AM exclusive: Bullying! Humiliation! Misogyny! This beloved Xmas Classic has it all!

Nov 29, 2018, 02:26 PM

After re-watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Tony & Ronn uncovered some issues that may of held water in 1964, but not so much today...

  • Rudolph is treated similarly to the Elephant Man...everyone is taking a shot at him: Donner, his father, is ashamed; Santa feels Donner should be embarrassed of his son's nose; the coach joins the side of the kids bullying Rudolph 

  • Yukon Cornelius has a gun...USE IT ON BUMBLE THE ABOMINABLE SNOW MONSTER!!! 

  • When Rudolph has gone missing, Donner sets out to look for him telling his wife, Rudolph's mom, to stay home because finding their missing son is "man's work"