How to Nurture and Care of Your Bed and Breakfast Client List

Season 5, Episode 2,   Dec 05, 2018, 12:58 PM

Hello I’m Yvonne Halling of and this video is Part 2 in my series on how to use the internet to bring you more guests, more fun and more money, so if you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by so much conflicting advice out there on how to really use the internet for your benefit, then this series of 4 videos will help you.

Just to recap, there are 4 basic principles of using the internet to bring you more guests, and they are:

#1 Build a list

#2 Nurture and care for that list

#3 provide regular content for that list

#4 make offers to that list

In Part 1 of this series we talked about why you need to build a list and I took you through the steps of how to build a list by identifying the guests you’d most love to welcome and where to find them on Facebook, and then creating what’s known as a “lead magnet” for them to download.

In this video, I’m going to show you how to nurture and care for that list.

Step #1 Once you’ve got someone to download your lead magnet and now subscribed to your list you’ll need to build a relationship with them. This means creating a series of emails that you can set up in advance and will automatically get sent out from your list manager, after they’ve downloaded your lead magnet.

So what do you say in these emails.

First thank them for trusting you with their details and reassure them that you’ll never share them with anyone else.

Then let them know what to expect from you, what kind of information you’ll be sharing if they stick around.

Step #2 - Invite them to take a look at a blog post on your website, or like your Facebook page or come and say hello anywhere else on the web where you frequently hang out.

In other words, make friends with them, and take care of them with your friendly communications.

You’re building the know like and trust factor here, so that when they’re ready they’ll book with you.

You’re also establishing your authority here, with valuable information that no-one else is bothering to offer, so that when they think of coming to your area for a particular reason, they’ll only think of you.

Step #3

Ask them to interact with you elsewhere on line or even become a friend on Facebook. You don’t need to let them in on your family events because you can add them onto a different friend list on Facebook, but you’ll be able to let them see interesting posts about your B&B and your topic about which you’re both interested and that will be valuable for them.

I know this can be challenging for many people, but if you want to grow your business without paying commissions to online travel agents, then using the internet yourself, is the way to go. And the good news is that much of this can be done on a set it and go basis, which means that once you’ve got it going, it will free up your time for other things you enjoy.

If you’ve liked this video, then hit the subscribe button to be the first to be notified when I post the next one, and if you’re curious to know how other B&Bs, guest houses and inns have put these basic internet marketing principles in place to add at least 25% to their income in one season, while working less and having more fun, then click on the link below to register for my next Masterclass.

Click on the link and I’ll see you there!