Episode 155 - Pork Bellies! Trading Places Part One

Dec 14, 2018, 05:13 PM


Jeff goes to Twitter jail, Steph’s scaly skin, Autumn’s boffo for Bravo, Tim’s still obsessed with The Sopranos and half a deep dive into one of our favorite Christmas movies, Trading Places.

#TradingPlaces #RayDonovan #TheSopranos #SouthPark #Showtime #HBO #EscapeAtDannemora #MrsMaisel #DrWho #Amazon #ComedyCentral #ReadyPlayerOne #TopChef #JohnLandis #GiancarloEsposito #PeteHolmes #Podabing #TheComedyCellar #DanAckroyd #EddieMurphy

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Staff Picks 

Jeff - Pete Holmes Dirty Clean HBO 10 p.m. 12/15 


Tim - Podabing Podcast


Steph - This Week at The Comedy Cellar Fridays, 11pm on Comedy Central
