Listening t(hr)o(ugh) architecture

Dec 20, 2018, 12:45 PM

By Stephane Marin. 

This recording was a part of the site specific installation )) archi_teXtures sonores ((, which took place in L’Usine - CNAREP - Tournefeuille - France in September 2018. It reflects my interest in listening to (and through) architectures. Architecture considered here as a membrane: a listening medium from the inside to the outside and conversely…

I particularly love this recording, firstly full of strength and energy powered by the wind and the traffic in the neighborhood, then back to a more quiet state that makes us discover the inside, the big volume of air, the relative emptiness of the space, and finally its inhabitants. 

Recorded with a couple of Sennheiser 8020 (AB)s in a SD mixpre6.