How to know if it's time to expand

Jan 01, 2019, 11:00 AM

Let's take a look inside the hide out at Spark Space. It is a great place for meetings, masterminds, events, etc. It is a perfect example of growing as you go and being ready to grow when the opportunity arises. A big congrats to Mark Henson for all he has done with the space. We're looking forward to having our private mastermind (our Fire Ring) there later this month. 

Whether you're hiring your first person, looking at doubling your ad spend or looking to go forward with office space of your own, it can be scary to grow. A lot of people wait because they're scared or unsure, but that often means you miss an opportunity. Don't be afraid of failure. That's part of growing. Take action. With action comes clarity. 

If you're asking yourself if now is the right time to grow, then it probably is.