Jane had stage 4 cervical cancer 19 years ago, HOW TO STARVE CANCER is her groundbreaking book - Jane McLelland with Josephine Pembroke
Imagine being told you had stage 4 cancer and had 12 weeks to live? This is what happened to my guest today on Radio Gorgeous, Jane McClleland. With determination and sheer doggedness, Jane took her own health care into her own hands and tried every, drug, supplement and diet, the cancer disappeared and that was 19 years ago. Jane is a trained physiotherapist, she's an entrepreneur, a sailor, a mother and a wife. Jane now actively campaigns to help other cancer patients with their care and research…with off med drugs and diet, we are talking about her story and book today HOW TO STARVE CANCER - without starving your self .
FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/off.label.drugsforcancer/
#Wellbeing #RadioGorgeous #StarveCancer