‘I’ll Be an American Citizen Again.’ Felons Rejoice After Regaining Their Right to Vote in Florida

Jan 09, 2019, 12:36 PM

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The normally humdrum bureaucracy of registering to vote brought tears to the eyes of some Floridians on Tuesday when most felons regained their right to vote under a state constitutional amendment.

"I'll be a human being again. I'll be an American citizen again," Robert Eckford said, choking up and weeping after filling out an application at the elections supervisor's office in Orlando.

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The normally humdrum bureaucracy of registering to vote brought tears to the eyes of some Floridians on Tuesday when most felons regained their right to vote under a state constitutional amendment. "I'll be a human being again. I'll be an American citizen again," Robert Eckford said, choking up and weeping after filling out an application at the elections supervisor's office in Orlando.