Miss Wheelchair California 2018 - Krystina Jackson

Episode 3,   Mar 04, 2019, 08:00 PM

Krystina Jackson, a northern California resident for 27 years, earned the title of Ms. Wheelchair California 2018 this past March. With a background in corporate finance and a BS in Business Administration, Krystina is passionate about encouraging women with varying abilities to pursue their passions fearlessly and "Lean In" or "Roll In’’ to not only the board room but any space in which they can envision themselves. A Bay Area resident, Krystina has been inspired by Silicon Valley movers and shakers from ‘Lean In’ author Sheryl Sandberg to San Francisco’s candidate for Mayor, London Breed. Krystina shares her life and her work on multiple social media platforms as a way to inform and educate others on celebrating life with disabilities, and the importance of working hard to contribute to the community of over 54 million Americans living with disabilities. 
Krystina is committed to shining a light on talents and achievements of people with disabilities in their quest for financial independence and rewarding careers. Her tenacity and perseverance guide her well as she navigates the waters of entrepreneurship in the Silicon Valley while growing her disability accessories startup G.U.S.T.O., which stands for her recipe for personal achievement: Grit, U( you, the customer), Spark, Tenacity and Optimism.