Calling the Shots - Hour 1 - 01-29-19: Should Kyrie go to the Lakers, Anthony Davis fined and Keith's top 5 most surprising QBs to win a SB...

Jan 30, 2019, 04:38 AM

Kyrie to LA doesn't make sense. Kyrie and LeBron just don't mix well. Why go back and try it again?

Keith throws out a possible trade scenario for Anthony Davis where LA trades Lonzo, Kuzma, first round pick and others for Davis.

Keith and Shaun’s 5 most surprising QB’s to win a Super Bowl (or bad performances)

1: Jeff Hostetler in Super Bowl 25

2: Trent Dilfer in Super Bowl 35

3: Ben Roethlisberger in Super Bowl 43

4: Jim McMahon in Super Bowl 20

5: Peyton Manning in Super Bowl 50

Shaun’s list:

1) Jeff Hostetler in Super Bowl 25

2) Eli manning in Super Bowl 42 

3) Nick Foles in Super Bowl 52

4) Joe Flacco in Super Bowl 47

5) Doug Williams in Super Bowl 22