Tick Gaudreau, February 03, 2019 - Paranormal Encounters and Dowsing

Feb 05, 2019, 05:03 PM

Interview 2 with Tick - Dowsing to clear entities. 

Given the sudden surge of interest I've noticed in clearing haunted houses, Winter seems to amp up the activity or it might be that we are more aware due to spending extra time indoors. So we talk about that and address the process of clearing a space of counter-productive elements.  

One essential element is asking permission. The phrase Tick uses: "May I, Can I, Should I dowse for entities." There is a reason. He explains the process and how it applies to one situation on page 104.

Wendy's Coffeehouse blog. https://wendyscoffeehouse.blogspot.com/2019/02/tick-gaudreau-paranormal-encounters-and.html