Cricket Scandals: Sandpaper Gate

Episode 19,   Feb 17, 2019, 01:10 PM

The late Richie Benaud, who was considered the doyen of cricket commentary, once called cricket the most controversial game of all. Over the years, cricket has been involved in a lot of controversies like gambling, match-fixing, spot-fixing, sledging, disrespect towards umpires, dalliances of a non-platonic nature, verbal tirades and even the odd physical skirmish. Ball-tampering can also be added to this list but for some reason over the years it failed to be considered a serious offence. There have been a lot of players caught red-handed, tampering with the ball over the years but for some reason the offence does not seem to warrant the seriousness that it deserves. Here is a list of players caught tampering with the ball over the years.

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