What Happened to Jussie Smollett? Here Are All of His Case’s Twists and Turns

Feb 18, 2019, 10:21 PM

In the weeks since Empire actor Jussie Smollett first told police that he had been the victim of a vicious hate crime, the truth about his case has become increasingly murky.

Smollett told police that early on the morning of Jan. 29 in Chicago, two assailants berated him with racist and homophobic slurs, beat him and put a rope around his neck.

In the weeks since Empire actor Jussie Smollett first told police that he had been the victim of a vicious hate crime, the truth about his case has become increasingly murky. Smollett told police that early on the morning of Jan. 29 in Chicago, two assailants berated him with racist and homophobic slurs, beat him and put a rope around his neck.