Taking out Your “Head Trash” – Dealing with Crisis & Decision Fatigue with Guest Dr. Roger Hall, Host Alex Vorobieff #45

Season 1, Episode 1274,   Mar 20, 2019, 02:35 AM

How and why many executives get themselves into personal crisis. Dr. Roger Hall of  Compass Consultation shares how he helps business leaders take out their “head trash” and get their performance and relationships back on track.   In a revealing interview, Dr. Hall shares research how answering emails reduces our IQ more than smoking cannabis.   He also advocates the powers of total solitude, explaining that when we are without our phones, the internet or any other human interaction, we can gin great perspective on what’s really important.   Finally, we talk about how to eliminate the mundane necessary tasks of the day so that business leaders can get meaningful work completed without exhausting their decision making resources.   Roger’s Website - http://www.compassconsultation.com/  Roger’s Email - Hall@compassconsultation.com  Topics Discussed:  Why Roger often gets called in during a crisis situation – 0:26  What is “Head Trash” and how does it manifest itself? – 3:46  What is decision fatigue? How we all have a daily decision making budget – 5:15  How the great thinkers of this world only have enough brain power to work for a few hours per day – 8:12  How to create time for 2-3 hours of quality work per day – 15:17  How quiet reflection and meditation can free up space on your brain’s computing power – 18:59  How to properly allocate your finite decision making resources (emails vs cannabis case study) – 21:19  Why we are often in denial about the state of our relationships – 23:55  Denial often works in the short-term, but it has serious cumulative long-term effects – 28:34  Why Roger recommends we make time to give ourselves periods of complete solitude – 30:10  Do we have a feeling of “status” when we are busy? – 31:34  How IBM and Google have harness the power of “thinking time” for their employees – 32:50  How to strip out doing tasks you don’t like in favor of working on assignments you are good at – 34:22  How does Roger define a successful life? – 35:56  Why successful people often lead boring lives by building habits – 38:00  Roger’s contact details – 42:31  http://www.compassconsultation.com/