Americans Are Obsessed With Tidying Up. But There’s a Downside to Being Organized

Apr 10, 2019, 12:11 PM

In her bestselling book and Netflix series, Marie Kondo makes the case that decluttering can "dramatically transform" your life. "Detoxing" your spaces of unused and unwanted stuff can make you happier, more confident and maybe even slimmer, Kondo writes in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

Judging by the popularity of her message and method, Kondo's philosophy is scratching an itch for a lot of people.

In her bestselling book and Netflix series, Marie Kondo makes the case that decluttering can "dramatically transform" your life. "Detoxing" your spaces of unused and unwanted stuff can make you happier, more confident and maybe even slimmer, Kondo writes in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Judging by the popularity of her message and method, Kondo's philosophy is scratching an itch for a lot of people.