Sen. Bernie Sanders Unveils New ‘Medicare for All’ Plan With Support From Some 2020 Rivals

Apr 11, 2019, 11:15 AM

(WASHINGTON) — Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont unveiled a new version of his "Medicare for All" plan on Wednesday, shaking up the 2020 presidential race by reopening the debate over his call to eliminate private health insurance.

"It is not a radical idea to say that in the United States, every American who goes to a doctor should be able to afford the prescription drug he or she needs," Sanders said. "Health care is a human right, not a privilege.

(WASHINGTON) — Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont unveiled a new version of his "Medicare for All" plan on Wednesday, shaking up the 2020 presidential race by reopening the debate over his call to eliminate private health insurance. "It is not a radical idea to say that in the United States, every American who goes to a doctor should be able to afford the prescription drug he or she needs," Sanders said. "Health care is a human right, not a privilege.