People are the most important thing in business, with Keith Abel, founder of Abel & Cole

Season 4,   Apr 15, 2019, 02:00 AM

This week on Conversations of Inspiration, Holly meets Keith Abel, founder of Abel & Cole.

A successful and well loved entrepreneur, Keith started his entrepreneurial journey as a salesman selling potatoes door to door, where a chance encounter led him to discovering organic vegetables. 

At a time when everything grown was covered in chemicals, Keith quickly realised people would pay more for organic, chemical-free produce and so Abel and Cole was born, over 30 years ago. 

Leading the way in subscription models, Keith shares his business lessons, recounting his highs and lows with a huge dose of humour and charm. But shining throughout, is Keith's passion for nurturing and supporting talent, as well as his commitment and belief that in order to build a successful company, you must also build a strong, passionate team around you.

Enjoying listening to these unfiltered chats? It's worth following Holly Tucker MBE and Holly & Co on Instagram, and subscribing to our weekly newsletter on our website, where Holly downloads her thoughts, and exclusively shares small business finds and topical, 'ungoogleable' business advice.

Show Notes