Monday, April 15: The best and worst state slogans of all time, and finding out what goes down at the post office!

Apr 15, 2019, 01:55 PM

If you wait till TODAY to fill out your taxes, That's All I Need To Know About You (:00) Producer Christian finds out what exactly people are doing at the post office (2:32) Honda of Westport Couple's Court: What should they do with their tax return? (9:07) Can Sarila from Naugatuck beat Raven? (14:02) What are the most boring sports to watch? (18:00) What are the best and worst state slogans of all time? (22:22) Nicole Gallucci from Mashable is firmly on the "Ban LOL" campaign! (29:37) Tate Sullivan and Kayla Mirochnik are going to Michigan to represent for Connecticut's Odyssey of the Mind (33:41) 

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