EP#6 - Mike Cisneros

Episode 6,   May 02, 2019, 02:00 PM


Today's guest is Mike Cisnersos; a Tableau Zen Master and all round amazing data visualiser with a host of famous data vizzes in his Tableau Public gallery.

In this podcast we hear how Mike approached creating his baseball salary viz, got a non-sporty person like me interested in the topic, his favourite data viz newsletters and many more tips and tricks you can learn about.
Video version ► http://bit.ly/2Gp6Eem

Guest links:
Play (But Don't Pay) The Kids ► https://tabsoft.co/2DpmHYT
Tableau Public ► https://public.tableau.com/profile/mikevizneros
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/mikevizneros
Website ► www.avizapart.com
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/mikevizneros/
LinkedIn ► linkedin.com/in/mikevizneros
YouTube ► bit.ly/mikevizneros_youtube
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/mikevizneros/
Mike's workbook sharing post ► https://www.avizapart.com/post/steal-this-work-book
Data Is Plural newsletter ► https://tinyletter.com/data-is-plural
Numlock News ► https://numlock.substack.com/
Data Beats ► https://medium.com/@databeats
Best in Digital Storytelling newsletter ► http://eepurl.com/c23YTD

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