Did the 10 Plagues of Egypt Really Happen? Here Are 3 Theories

Apr 20, 2019, 10:29 AM

When the Passover holiday begins on Friday at sundown, Jewish people around the world will celebrate by retelling the biblical story of the Exodus from Egypt — including the 10 plagues that God inflicted on the Ancient Egyptians.

As the Passover story tells it, after Pharaoh refuses Moses' entreaties to let the enslaved Israelites go free, God sends a series of ten plagues to pressure the Egyptian ruler.

When the Passover holiday begins on Friday at sundown, Jewish people around the world will celebrate by retelling the biblical story of the Exodus from Egypt — including the 10 plagues that God inflicted on the Ancient Egyptians. As the Passover story tells it, after Pharaoh refuses Moses' entreaties to let the enslaved Israelites go free, God sends a series of ten plagues to pressure the Egyptian ruler.