Where Brexit Fits in the Long British History of Petitioning Parliament

Apr 25, 2019, 12:52 PM

This post is in partnership with History Today. The article below was originally published at History Today.

In March 2019, a petition calling for Article 50 to be revoked, thus canceling Brexit, garnered six million signatures. This exceeds by a million what was probably the largest previous petition in British history presented to Parliament — in favor of an increase in old-age pensions in July 1939 — and by a million and a half the 4.

This post is in partnership with History Today. The article below was originally published at History Today. In March 2019, a petition calling for Article 50 to be revoked, thus canceling Brexit, garnered six million signatures. This exceeds by a million what was probably the largest previous petition in British history presented to Parliament — in favor of an increase in old-age pensions in July 1939 — and by a million and a half the 4.