RE-Fault Setting Part 1!

Season 3, Episode 17,   May 02, 2019, 11:00 AM

As an award winning podcast, The Default Setting gets FIVES of requests from potential guests asking to be on the show. Sadly most of these guests never make it to air because they never return our messages.

So what do you do with a podcast with no guests? CLIP SHOW. But not just any clip show, a NEVER BEFORE AIRED clip show! Featuring the pre-show commentaries of Cody Cooper, Leslie Battle, Zach Shildwachter, AJ DiCosimo and Ray Roberts!

Additionally, we got so drunk/high for this week's show that we forgot how long we'd recorded so the episode is only 37 minutes. IT'S ABOUT QUALITY NOT QUANTITY.


-OKPants (@okpants)

-Above Below Entertainment (@abovebelowent)