Rocky Kramer Angela Monzon and JR Redwater

Episode 59,   May 04, 2019, 06:31 PM

Mark welcomed singer/guitarist Rocky Kramer, comedian J.R. Redwater and promoter Angela Monzon to the lighter side of the dark side.

Rocky was born in Norway the son of 2 symphony orchestra musicians. He was able to play violin starting at the age of 5 but was drawn to guitar shortly after inspired by musicians as diverse as Yngwie Malmsteen and David Gilmour. He details his road to Hollywood including meeting 3/4 of Kiss and talks about his upcoming album Firepower and upcoming European tour with Buckcherry

Angela comes from a talented family herself as her uncle is comedian Paul Rodriguez and her cousin is skateboarder Paul Rodriquez, she talks about all sorts of wild and haunted events that have happened at 5 Star Bar where she works including some fisticuffs at a Dead Boys Show. She is now promoting comedy shows there.

JR Redwater is one of the comedians who has headlined 5 Star Bar. He was also on Showtime and has a tour of fellow Native Americans called The Chiefs of Comedy. He in his signature deadpan delivery talked about getting kicked out of Shanghai, his ex wife and kids, his own journey to Hollywood and his own story about meeting Gene Simmons, witnessing a death and then having to perform comedy right afterwards.