Avengers Endgame Spoiler Review

Episode 488,   May 06, 2019, 05:37 AM

The Russo brothers have officially declared May 6th open season for Avengers Spoilers so we are releasing our VGB Spoiler Review for Endgame!

What's Up Pizzas'?! This weekend was so packed and busy for the Videogame BANG crew with the Star Wars Trivia Night at Oblivion Comics and Coffee and the SF Shock Watch Party in Berkeley that we needed to take the weekend off! Fear NOT! We would never leave you guys hanging without new content and it just so happens that the Russo Brothers have declared May 6th the official day that Avengers Endgame spoilers are acceptable!

About a week ago the VGB Crew Emma, Webb, Curtis and Cory recorded a Patreon exclusive review for Avengers Endgame that we are ready to release to the public! 


If you would like to join the VGB Patreon for more content like this you can sign up here: patreon.com/videogamebang


Topics include: Gaming, Sacramento, Avengers Endgame, Spoilers, Russo Brothers, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Lebowski, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel, esports, podcast, patreon, exclusive, comedy, funny, Cory Vincent, David Webb, Emmaskies, Curtis Fisher, SF Shock, San Francisco, Oblivion Comics and Coffee, Star Wars Day, May the Fourth, Winter Soldier, Thanos, Gamora, Black Widow, Incredible Hulk, Doctor Strange