Tuesday, May 14: Fist fighting Greenwich lunch ladies, and a helium shortage all over the country

May 14, 2019, 01:58 PM

If you're a fist fighting lunch lady, That's All I Need To Know About You (:00) Chef Plum talks about the new super food…kelp! (3:36) Does your body already know if you're going to be athletic or not? (8:02) Anna and Raven had the kids at Roosevelt School in Bridgeport tell them some jokes! (11:15) Honda of Westport Couple's Court: He doesn't want a 21-year-old kid watching his three kids! (18:38) Can Rose from New Haven beat Raven? (24:37) What major retailer is going out of business because of a helium shortage? (27:42) Can you irritate us in four words? (35:08)

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