Episode 6 - Queens ... under pressure

Season 1, Episode 6,   May 05, 2019, 11:00 AM

The one where you find out that anxiety is normal and it’s okay to fizz out.

The one where you find out that anxiety is normal and it’s okay to fizz out. 

All right, y'all.  Buckle up.  This is a toughy.  Gina talks about what it was like growing up as a walking giant stress chihuahua and living life with generalized anxiety disorder.  And not all of it is pretty.  So .... CONTENT WARNING ... We get into, among other things, self-harm and sexual assault.  If listening to this will cause you issues, do not listen.  We hate to get all down in the dumpa on ya, but at the same time, we want to make sure that no one dealing with anxiety feels alone.  And seriously, folks, if you have issues with anxiety, depression, or any kind of potential health issue, PLEASE seek help.  It has made a world of difference in Gina's life.  You ARE worth the effort, we promise.  

If you'd like to share a cocktail with us while we chat, we're having L'Orange Grand Fizz tonight. 

You can get the recipe at AlwaysNeverRight.com

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