Episode 2 - Former Fatties

Apr 07, 2019, 11:00 AM

The one where you find out why we know that we can do anything.

Yeah, we've both had bariatric surgery, for varying reasons, but both with great results.  We talk about what led to us these decisions, and how we've adjusted to the new lifestyles.

You can find the recipe fot this week's cocktail - The Witty Comeback - on our website if you'd like to have a drink with us while we chatter on about this pretty major life decision.  Cocktails take the edge of the seriousness.  Which you can tell, because as we go on, we lost not just the edge, but also the thread several times. 

By the way, bariatric surgery means you become a REALLY cheap date. Alcohol now kicks our asses. 

You can get the recipe at alwaysneverright.com

You can also find the recipes - and us! - on our social media sites: