George Pearis Cemetery

Sep 16, 2019, 09:00 AM

Today, we learn about the ghosts of The George Pearis Cemetery with paranormal investigator Jake Fife.

As the memories of the living fade from generation to generation, unfortunately at times, so too do the resting places for their bodies. The George Pearis Cemetery in Virginia seems to be one of those places. Once a prominent resting place for a captain of the Revolutionary war, it now sits overgrown with weeds, trees and elements of nature slowing taking over a plot of land lined with moss covered gravestone that time and much of the living forgot. Today, it seems that there may be more activity from the dead inside the stone gates of this cemetery than anyone alive. Including TB patients, fatalities of war, the ghost of a little boy who’s life tragically ended in a hunting rifle accident and many others. Today, we learn about the ghosts of The George Pearis Cemetery with paranormal investigator Jake Fife.

To listen to part two of our interview, you need to be a Grave Keeper (supporter of the show). You can do this by signing up on our Patreon Page here: