Calls to take down a banner supporting former soldiers on the Lisburn Road.

Jun 25, 2019, 08:37 AM

There have been calls for the removal of a banner erected in South Belfast supporting British soldiers and linked to 'Soldier F'. But the PSNI say that there is no criminal offence in erecting banners - unless the property owners want to pursue a prosecution. The owner - the Department of Infrastructure - says it didn't give permission for a banner hung from lampposts on the Lisburn Road. They've batted the issue back to the PSNI saying the police should "determine if there would be community tension and a risk of public order offences if the banners were removed". The PSNI in turn say "the most effective solution to this issue is community resolution". And round and round it goes. But is it time someone took responsibility for removing these banners? Or are they a legitimate expression of anger about the prosecution of soldiers? Stephen spoke to South Belfast MLA Claire Hanna and the commentator Jamie Bryson.