044: Down And Dirty

Dec 05, 2018, 06:13 PM

It's the end of an era. As Slayer continue their farewell tour, we run through our new tribute issue, featuring some of the biggest names in metal - and you guys on the cover.

We also chat about all the stuff Motley Crue got up to in the 80s, and how the movie of The Dirt might go down today.

Plus! We review Tesseract, talk about BMTH headlining All Points East and argue over the greatest Christmas song of all time.

The Metal Hammer Podcast is powered by Olympus.

It's the end of an era. As Slayer continue their farewell tour, we run through our new tribute issue, featuring some of the biggest names in metal - and you guys on the cover. We also chat about all the stuff Motley Crue got up to in the 80s, and how the movie of The Dirt might go down today. Plus! We review Tesseract, talk about BMTH headlining All Points East and argue over the greatest Christmas song of all time. The Metal Hammer Podcast is powered by Olympus.