Are you a Grey area drinker? With Jolene Park

Episode 30,   Jul 12, 2019, 09:09 AM

Janey interviews Jolene Park on Grey Area Drinking and discusses the fact that there aren't only two types of drinkers - rock bottom or happy social, its a spectrum.

Its TED talk week and one person I am going to give a shout out to during the talk is Jolene Park, of the TED talk 'Gray Area Drinkers' fame, I love her work and it seemed fitting to have her as our guest on the podcast.

Another heads up for our online community The Sober Club no obligation whatsoever, and you will get our pdf 'Selfcare in Sobriety'
If being part of a club / community isn't your thing no worries at all the podcast remains free and I will continue to do it while I have great inspirational guests!
UPDATE; The Sober Club is up and running - join us

Selfcare  I forgot to offer a selfcare tip! But here it is …Treat yourself some lovely PJ’s or lounge-wear or a floppy T shirt – whatever you want to call it, because in early sobriety its just fantastic to get snuggly and go to bed early.  Good one right?

The next Selfcare for the Sober Curious event is on Monday July 22nd, at The Jago a funky club in London, bit of a party we hope as we did promo our 'stay dry till July' campaign in Jan, go to eventbrite type My Yard (the charity) and get your FREE ticket If you're nervous drop us a DM and we will make sure you are welcome, its very infromal.
Here's the link for tickets