Aziz Ansari Says All the Right Things—But Implicates Everyone—in His Netflix Comeback Special

Jul 13, 2019, 03:32 PM

The first clue that Aziz Ansari: Right Now is going to be more somber than the typical stand-up special is the song that opens (and closes) it: "Pale Blue Eyes" by the Velvet Underground. One of the saddest, prettiest compositions in the history of rock, Lou Reed's whispery ballad invokes love, infidelity, memory and regret. It leaves you with the melancholy sensation that something invaluable has been not just lost, but squandered; Reed mourns "everything I had but couldn't keep.

The first clue that Aziz Ansari: Right Now is going to be more somber than the typical stand-up special is the song that opens (and closes) it: "Pale Blue Eyes" by the Velvet Underground. One of the saddest, prettiest compositions in the history of rock, Lou Reed's whispery ballad invokes love, infidelity, memory and regret. It leaves you with the melancholy sensation that something invaluable has been not just lost, but squandered; Reed mourns "everything I had but couldn't keep.