Eighteen training sites identified ahead of unification of defence and security forces

Episode 959,   Jul 17, 2019, 11:50 AM

The Joint Transitional Security Committee (JTSC), has identified eighteen training sites ahead of the creation of unified defence and security forces.
The Deputy Spokesperson of the SPLA-IO Col. Lam Paul Gabriel says the sites are located in different parts of the country and says a workshop will soon be held in Juba to train representatives selected from the different security organs who will be charged with training the organized forces. 
Col Lam says the training will be held in September and October, in time for the November 12th deadline of the Pre-Transitional period.  
Peace monitors of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) have been concerned about the slow pace in identification of the sites as a key element of transitional security arrangements.  
Augostino Njoroge, RJMEC interim chairperson, said the issue of training will become critical when unifying and sustaining the South Sudanese national defense and security forces.