TyrannoBoris Rex (with Anoosh Chakelian)

Season 1, Episode 31,   Jul 18, 2019, 04:00 AM

On this week's Polling Politics, Marie Le Conte and Joe Twyman are joined by the New Statesman's Anoosh Chakelian to discuss Boris Johnson's seemingly unstoppable march to No.10. They also touch upon Labour's ongoing anti-semitism crisis, the demise of the BBC's This Week and whether we really went to the moon. We also speak to Newgate's Simon Gentry about the modern menace that is: e-scooters.

This podcast is sponsored by Newgate Communications.

Presented by Joe Twyman and Marie Le Conte.

With Anoosh Chakelian.

And Simon Gentry from Newgate.

Produced and edited by Nick Hilton.

Theme music by Joe Button.

This is a Podot podcast. For more details go to podotpods.com and for sales and advertising email nick@podotpods.com