143- Bonding Over Blankets

Episode 143,   Jul 26, 2019, 02:44 PM

Out of all of the babbling that we did in this episode, the thing that we bonded over the most was a blanket... Yes there is more to the story, and it's not nearly as lame as it sounds. 

But it's not all love in this episode! Lacey has been on a rampage and she has some questions for Amy.. Are we even friends? What did Amy do to make Lacey soooo mad that she wrote it on the board so she would never forget AND block her on Instagram (thanks for the inspo On Cloud Wine podcast)?!? Lacey doesn't require much but Amy is slipping on her duties!

Plus, the old lady hand results... Which Lippy Hippies are realist and which ones are extremely nice liars? We discuss!

A special thanks to this episode's sponsor, Openfit! Get full access to all of the streaming workout videos, nutrition information and more TOTALLY FREE for 30 days by texting Loose Lips to 303030. 

Thank you to everyone that chimes in and has fun with us on the socials! Your input and requests are greatly appreciated! Keep it going! @looselipsandchildbearinghips, @looselipships, @kiddnationtoasterchronicals!

Please help us out by making us look good! Subscribe/ rate and review on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen! Yes, Lacey is watching so be aware of that!

Thank you so much for listening! Have a wonderful weekend!

#friendship #nochill #badattitude #houseproblems #blankets #clowns #openfit #kiddkraddickmorningshow #kiddnation #laceygee #amynichols