South Sudan urged to enact family-friendly policies to enable breastfeeding

Episode 982,   Aug 01, 2019, 10:07 AM

Today (1 August) marks the start of World Breastfeeding Week. 
This year, the week promotes the importance of family-friendly policies to enable breastfeeding and help parents nurture and bond with their children.
The theme of this year’s World Breastfeeding Week is “Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding.” Family-friendly policies – such as paid parental leave – enable breastfeeding and help parents nurture and bond with their children in early life, when it matters most.
This includes enacting paid maternity leave for a minimum of 18 weeks, and paid paternity leave to encourage shared responsibility of caring for their children on an equal basis.
To speak more about the topic, Irene Lasu was joined by three nutritionists; Khamisa from the National Ministry of Health, Priscilla Bayo with UN Children’s agency, and Shishay Tsadik from teh World Food Program. 
Enjoy the 40” discussion.