X-Men 2099

Episode 240,   Aug 01, 2019, 10:07 PM

X-Men 2099 #19 (1995)

We get thrust into the mediocre world of 2099 as Meanstreak helps save Halloween Jack’s casino from John Cena on Bane venom while Krystalin jailbreaks a Jonathan Taylor Thomas-looking brat for cyber-reasons. That would be a great title for a 2099 book….CYBER REASONS 2099. Throw ‘em all in there and see what happens — Spider-Ham 2099, John Cena 2099, Billy Ray Cyrus 2099. Have them all fight for holographic space credits on a pole or something.

Also, we give our thoughts on THE BOYS on Amazon Prime.

Continue the conversation with Shawn and Jen on Twitter @angryheroshawn and @JenStansfield and email the show at worstcollectionever@gmail.com

X-Men 2099 #19 (1995)

We get thrust into the mediocre world of 2099 as Meanstreak helps save Halloween Jack’s casino from John Cena on Bane venom while Krystalin jailbreaks a Jonathan Taylor Thomas-looking brat for cyber-reasons. That would be a great title for a 2099 book….CYBER REASONS 2099. Throw ‘em all in there and see what happens — Spider-Ham 2099, John Cena 2099, Billy Ray Cyrus 2099. Have them all fight for holographic space credits on a pole or something.

Also, we give our thoughts on THE BOYS on Amazon Prime.

Continue the conversation with Shawn and Jen on Twitter @angryheroshawn and @JenStansfield and email the show at worstcollectionever@gmail.com