#5 - Joan Cahill, Centre for Innovative Human Systems (CIHS), Trinity College Dublin

Season 1, Episode 5,   Aug 12, 2019, 03:33 PM

For Episode #5 of the One Zero One podcast, Ken MacMahon, Head of Technology and Innovation at Version 1 explored the increasingly pertinent topic of Ethical AI and human-centric design with Dr. Joan Cahill, Principal Investigator/Research Fellow at the Centre for Innovative Human Systems (CIHS), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 
Joan has worked as a Senior Researcher and Principal Investigator with the Centre for Innovative Human Systems at Trinity College Dublin since 2005. During this time, Joan has worked on many high-profile academic projects in addition to several industry/academia collaborations. Before joining TCD, Joan worked for seven years in the area of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information Design, with a range of software companies and HCI consultancies. 

In this podcast, Joan gives our listeners a view into Human Factors, an interdisciplinary area of psychology, providing us with an understanding of Ethical AI considerations. Joan illustrates how technology makers have the power to positively and negatively impact users of new technologies and processes, and that this is an increasingly important responsibility for technologists to consider. From highlighting the potential of machine learning and AI for senior drivers using autonomous vehicles, to looking at how technology can be harnessed to positively impact patients in healthcare IF stakeholders’ motivations and outcomes are appropriately considered, Joan shares some very interesting topics throughout this episode.

Listen or download this episode to hear more from Joan Cahill regarding Ethical AI, the importance of stakeholder-based research in design, and why it is so critical to have multi-disciplinary teams in the room when designing technology from the outset.