Detention Comics (Robin, Superboy, other garbage)

Episode 242,   Aug 16, 2019, 12:28 AM

Detention Comics #1 (1996)

This is an anthology of school-related stories that were not good enough to make it into the 90s SHOWCASE books:

Tim Drake beats up Suicidal Tendencies en route to stopping Sarah Palin’s method-out son from killing a ponytailed fellow student
Superboy makes a heartfelt statement about teacher’s salaries whilst ogling breasts
Guy Gardner does a shot-for-shot remake of Morgan Freeman’s LEAN ON ME (1989)

Continue the conversation with Shawn and Jen on Twitter @angryheroshawn and @JenStansfield and email the show at

Detention Comics #1 (1996)

This is an anthology of school-related stories that were not good enough to make it into the 90s SHOWCASE books:

  • Tim Drake beats up Suicidal Tendencies en route to stopping Sarah Palin’s method-out son from killing a ponytailed fellow student

  • Superboy makes a heartfelt statement about teacher’s salaries whilst ogling breasts

  • Guy Gardner does a shot-for-shot remake of Morgan Freeman’s LEAN ON ME (1989)

Continue the conversation with Shawn and Jen on Twitter @angryheroshawn and @JenStansfield and email the show at