102: The Hatman and Angelic Beings

Dec 11, 2018, 08:00 AM


We have a jam packed show for you on Episode 102! First, we play audio from “Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis,” in which Clyde and a caller discuss The Confessionals and Episode 91: The Alien Abducted Time Traveler. Then, we bring on Diane Student from the “History Goes Bump” podcast. Diane tells of her own paranormal experiences, and shares her most favorite historic places that she’s featured on her show. After speaking with Diane, we play a new audio version of our blog post, “The Confessionals Exclusive: Are Old Legend Giants Living in the Modern Day World?”, written by Tony’s wife Lindsay, and narrated by David HaLevy of the “Jew and Gentile Podcast”! The blog shares accounts of giants and Nephilim throughout history, and discloses some insider information about giants in living Afghanistan. Lastly, we bring on guest David to share his run-in with the Hatman, and an encounter he and his family experienced with what they believe was an angel. Enjoy the very full show!