Sophie Mathisen

Season 1, Episode 4,   Sep 02, 2019, 06:00 AM


This week Sara Pascoe talks to activist filmmaker and sugar baby Sophie Mathisen about dating for cash, using the word feminist on a date and marriage as transactional sex.

Thank you so much for listening – to find out more about Sophie Mathisen you can watch some of her media appearances if you pop her name in google videos and keep an eye out for her documentary about Seeking Arrangement.

🍌 The website Sophie has been researching and using is this one.

🍌 We mentioned β€˜Being Jane Doe’ which is actually β€˜I am Jane Doe’ and you can find out more here.

🍌 The Reply All Episode mentioned is called No More Safe Harbour and is number 119 on their feed. It’s a really balanced examination of Fosta and Sesta.

🍌 Lust Horizons is by Ellen Willis and can be found here.

🍌 The film Sixteen Candles Sophie mentions is on Netflix and Amazon. 

🍌 Melissa Gira Grant's great book is called Playing the Whore and can be found on Amazon here.

🍌 My book Sex Power Money is out now in hardback / audiobook / ebook