Out Now 376: It Chapter Two
Sep 12, 2019, 02:46 AM
This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe is letting us all float again. Aaron and Abe are joined by Luke Thompson to help review and provide some perspective on It Chapter Two, the conclusion to the Stephen King horror adaptation. The trio have a good conversation about the lengthy thriller, Michael Bay, and more. Among the topics covered, there’s a fun round of Know Everybody (6:30), Out Now Quickies™ (12:33), Trailer Talk for Bad Boys For Life (20:01), the main review (26:23), Games (1:15:32), and Out Now Feedback (1:26:40). The gang then wraps things up (1:37:00), and have some bloopers (1:50:04) following this week's closeout song. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill...
- Get yourself a free audiobook and help out the show at AudibleTrial.com/OutNowPodcast!
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- Check out all of our sites and blogs: TheCodeIsZeek.com, Why So Blu?, We Live Entertainment, Super Hero Hype
- Read Aaron’s review for It Chapter Two
- Read Luke’s review for It Chapter Two
- Next Episode: The Goldfinch
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