Dan Kois "How to Be a Family" | A Global Parenting Expedition

Episode 229,   Sep 25, 2019, 05:15 PM

DAN KOIS, Slate editor, founding host of the podcast Mom and Dad Are Fighting, and contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine, joins us on Atomic Moms to chat about the truly insane year his family spent traveling the world, hilariously captured in his new book: HOW TO BE A FAMILY: THE YEAR I DRAGGED MY KIDS AROUND THE WORLD TO FIND A NEW WAY TO BE TOGETHER.

#229 - Quick! Find your passport! DAN KOIS, Slate editor, founding host of the podcast Mom and Dad Are Fighting, and contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine, joins us on Atomic Moms to chat about the truly insane year his family spent traveling the world, hilariously captured in his new book: HOW TO BE A FAMILY: THE YEAR I DRAGGED MY KIDS AROUND THE WORLD TO FIND A NEW WAY TO BE TOGETHER (Little, Brown; Publication Date: 9/17/19). We find out what it's like packing up your family and spending three months living in four vastly different locales: New Zealand, The Netherlands, Costa Rica, and... Kansas. He shares what he found once outside the coastal elite bubble. And we discuss "tall poppy syndrome" vs. the American hunger for exceptionalism — Speaking of my own hunger for exceptionalism, don't forget to rate, review, and give us five stars! Kidding. Not really. It does help new listeners find us. I'm eager for you to hear about Dan's travels and insights he gleaned as a father breaking out of the suburban dad mold. Bring mosquito spray! 

x Ellie Knaus