Related to Spotty Sirens

Oct 15, 2019, 02:29 PM

Paris alarm test reimagined by David Henckel.

"I used two of the three words. Relating and Spots. I used another field recording of my own - An overground train journey in London for the word relating - I felt there were similar dynamics and drones in the sounds of that and the sirens I was given. I also Pitch shifted the sirens sample really low and panned the 2 field recordings slightly left and right. Half way through the piece I started layering the siren field recording at an octave higher and throughout I used resampled and chopped parts triggered randomly - ish with a sequencer and some Lfo's controlling various parts of the sequencer and the filter. This formed the base of the track. The Spots were the short samples as well as side chain compressing a muted snare in 4/4 over the tracks base to imply a rhythm - I was imagining a dot painting across the sound. I exported / resampled the whole track about 6 times as I added new layers including a reversed reverb/delay layer of the whole track. The final elements were some bass sequences (again using lfos to trigger randomisation of notes - 16th note Hi Hats and a kick sat way back and filtered out somewhat. I really liked the bird sounds in the sample which came out really well when the sample had been pitched lower / stretched and I'm happy with the way that various sounds merge and cross over - some of the train noises are v similar to the bleeps and bloops from the synths. Everything done in Ableton with Native plugins and a few Max for Live devices."

Part of the Three Words project - find out more at