October 2019 Comics Blowout - 4-Panel Vol. 2, Issue 54

Season 2, Episode 54,   Oct 23, 2019, 02:20 PM

This week we decided to do another of our semi-regular comics blowouts because we planned to have two Halloween episodes (and not at all because we’ve got piles of comics and not enough time …).
So what’s in store? Well, we’ve got The Immortal Hulk: Abomination, Miles Morales: Straight Out Of Brooklyn, the first volume of The Mask Omnibus, Superior Spider-Man: Full Otto, Domino: Hotshots, Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Visions, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and Vivisectionary: A Convocation of Biological Art by Kate Lacour

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Thanks, and until next time, don't read anything we wouldn't!

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