Fair Play | NYT Bestselling Author Eve Rodsky on Rebalancing Family Responsibilities and Reclaiming Your Time

Episode 233,   Oct 23, 2019, 07:24 PM

A current New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine bookclub pick, FAIR PLAY by Eve Rodsky tackles the question: how can we share domestic responsibilities in a fair and systematic way so that mothers can reclaim their lives from the thankless time-suck of “invisible labor”?

#233 - A current New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine bookclub pick, FAIR PLAY by Eve Rodsky tackles the question: how can we share domestic responsibilities in a fair and systematic way so that mothers can reclaim their lives from the thankless time-suck of “invisible labor”? Backed with a Harvard Law degree and organizational management know-how, Eve Rodsky is here to share a clear cut system for our modern families. I don’t know about your household, but in ours, too much is falling through the cracks, from forgotten school forms to cherished relationships with friends. We’ve got this one life; how are we going to consciously choose to live it? Eve helps us cut through the crap and figure out a fair approach to managing our domestic lives. Adam and I have just started implementing this system and our marriage is stronger for it. Listen up!

Xx Ellie

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