Zev Norotsky: Going Beast Mode For Brands

Season 3, Episode 21,   Oct 29, 2019, 11:00 AM

On this weeks episode of Culturation™ we speak with the Pop Culture Anthropologist, Zev Norotsky. We discuss how to pivot your career to making it a passion, moving the ball forward with persistence and a New York state of mind. 

Zev is a marketing expert and cultural forecaster specializing in experiential strategies that fuse the world's of live, digital, technology and multi-media into one cohesive brand platform or experience. He originally hails from NY but currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife Jennifer and two daughters Belle and Hazel.

His agency, ENTER is at the forefront of this rapidly growing industry working with everyone from blue chip brands like AT&T and InBev to emerging start ups like Perfect Day and Jaja Tequila.

He can be found most days working inside his coffee shop on Melrose Ave called, you guessed it...Agency Coffee Co.

If they ever make a movie about his life he would have to be played by Jonah Hill.

#ZevNorotsky #Culturation #PoweredByPremier #Experiential #Branding #Agency #PopCulture #BeastMode #JustinEpstein