Alexis Rhone Fancher: Work-Ethics, Sex and Power, and the Writing Community

Season 1, Episode 6,   Nov 05, 2019, 04:42 AM

In this interview Alexis Rhone Fancher discusses the value of a near Pavlovian work-ethic, and the ability to detach herself from her writing, even when writing about very personal subjects. Often referenced as an “erotic” poet, Alexis says she uses sex in her writing to explore power, to write for women who are like herself, and to encourage others to share their stories and poems with the world. There may not be a lot of money in poetry, but there is a hell of a lot to be gained from building a community around one’s art. 

Rewrite Strategy: Think about other people who might need to hear your work, people who will feel empowered to tell their own stories after they’ve heard your work. Write to and for them. What do they need to hear?