Tuesday November 5th- The Anna and Raven Election Day Special
Nov 06, 2019, 02:50 PM
A special election day edition of That's All I Need To Know About You (:00) Anna and Raven had very different responses when candidates called and texted them (3:20) Find out the things people do when their spouses aren't home (7:20) Honda of Westport Couple's Court-Should their home schooled children have to wear uniforms? (12:45) Can Pepsi from Trumbull beat Raven? (19:42) Anna and Raven let Charlie Puth's biggest fan know they'll be coming to the studio to meet him (23:31) Tell Me Something Good- The New Milford Bull Cheerleaders are headed to Disney! (26:35) Finding out what what kids do when they have election day off from school (29:35)