The Anna & Raven Show: 11.18.19

Nov 18, 2019, 03:09 PM

If you're a grown man wearing THIS at Panera-"That's All I Need To Know About You!" (:08) Raven is bummed because he doesn't have any hidden talents, so Anna did hers in the studio. It is both impressive and freaky! (3:00) The "Next Door" app is meant to connect neighbors but some people get carried away. Anna & Raven read some interesting neighborhood problems! (6:47) This week's Everyday Hero Donna Cramond stops in to tell us her inspiring story of overcoming lung cancer and continuing her love of marathons. (10:11) Anna has had a cough for 3 weeks and she's desperate for some relief-what are you hacks for feeling better? (14:53) Honda of Westport Couple's Court- Jaime wants Matt to stop texting his ex so much. He says they're just good friends and he's helping her through a bad breakup! You decide who's right! (22:05) Can't Beat Raven- Can Erica from Newtown beat Raven? (27:48) Tell Me Something Good- Happy birthday Mickey Mouse! (32:03)